Dept of Community Medicine, KIMS Shine at 1st,  Annual State Conference of Geriatric Society of India : Ommtv Round The Clock 

Dept of Community Medicine, KIMS Shine at 1st,  Annual State Conference of Geriatric Society of India : Ommtv Round The Clock 

Dept of Community Medicine, KIMS Shine at 1st,  Annual State Conference of Geriatric Society of India : Ommtv Round The Clock 

Dept of Community Medicine, KIMS Shine at 1st,  Annual State Conference of Geriatric Society of India : Ommtv Round The Clock 

The 1st Annual State Conference of Geriatric Society of India (Odisha State Branch) 2024 was held on March 23, with Dr. Prem Sagar Panda, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine at KIMS delivering his talk on “Foresight of Geriatric Practice”. He was invited as a speaker and his talk was appreciated by the delegates and chairpersons.

The theme of the conference was “Promoting Healthy Ageing: Challenges and Need for the Future”. It was organized by the GSI Odisha state branch in association with Hitech Medical College and Hospital, Bhubaneswar and Shri Rath Foundation.

Professor (Dr) Ipsa Mohapatra and Dr Ipsita Debata, Associate Professor of Community Medicine also chaired scientific sessions in the conference. The attendees included doctors from different disciplines of medical sciences.