Hindol Senior Citizens Forum :Ommtv
Senior Citizens

OMM TV (Shashikant Gadanayak from Dhenkanal): Today Hindol Senior Citizens Forum held a zone level meeting at Babandha under Rasol Police Station under the chairmanship of President Srinivasi Mishra, Senior Advisor Dr. Chaitan Sahu, Organization Executive President Chabiraj Biswal, Editor Brahmananda Pradhan, Senior Organizer Tusharkant Mishra President Rohit Kumar Karan attended and gave various valuable opinions to strengthen the organizational situation. Many senior citizens from the region participated in the programme and appreciated various programs of the stage and expressed their strong support for strengthening the organisation. Senior worker Vinay Kumar Samal organized the meeting and thanked him. President informed that tomorrow Hatura zone meeting will be held in the premises of Shiva temple. #Dhenkanal #baristanagarika #OmmTv #OmTV #KalingaCineArts #odisha #India